ne Runs Fund
ERF 2024 Application Preview Questions
- Name, Email, Phone number
- City, State
- IG/Social Media Handle
- What is the Date of your Project?
- Amount of Funding Requested
- Please briefly describe the project, event, or goal that you are requesting funding for and what the funding will be used for (transportation, running gear, coaching, etc.)
- RPL’s vision and mission is to build inclusive running communities dedicated to protecting the environment. We highly value diversity, equitable access to outdoor recreation, and responsible environmental practices. Please describe how your project aligns with the RPL mission.
- Why is this important to you and/ or your community?
- Beyond funding, are there other ways RPL can support you in this journey? Please specify any needs such as gear, apparel, nutrition support, etc.
- Will additional funding or support for this project be required? What other funding sources or organizations are contributing?
- Anything else you’d like to share or that you feel would be helpful for the RPL team to know?
- Are you comfortable with RPL sharing your journey, in a collaborative way, with our community through newsletter updates, social media content, etc.?
Additional Program Details
- Recipients are limited to one award per year.
- Award is up to $1000 per runner, with opportunity for additional in-kind donations.
- Receiving the Everyone Runs Fund does not imply receiving an automatic race entry nor does it give you preferential status for races with lotteries.
- Runners must be eligible to participate in the race or event and meet all qualification requirements.
- Preference will be given to races and events with eco-friendly practices already in-place.